This Putney website brings together all of Putney’s great and sometimes hidden features with links to all the other Putney websites, along with information on the broad spectrum of artists, activities, places to shop, eat, and sleep. Please visit our sister sites; the member supported Discover Putney and the community supported iPutney. This site is still growing, so stop back often, tell your friends, and come for a visit during one of VERMONT’S 20 SEASONS.
- Early Spring
This is the start of our seasons page, bud season – a time when winter snows have faded away and it seems like any day now there should be some sign of life out in the garden. A time to plant your seeds (indoors) and rake up the winter’s mess. A time of hope and of much patience. - Spring
Flower season is the magical time after endless weeks of spring rain, when the sun arrives displaying all the tiny leaves on the trees, the crocuses have sprouted, lilacs scent the air and wave after wave of flowers pop their heads above ground and burst into flames of red yellow and orange, reminding us why we live in Vermont. - Apple Blossom season
Endless days of clear blue skies (at least two days), fresh air and row after row after row – acre after acre of white and slightly pink or yellow flowers, blooming ever so briefly before dropping off to the ground to mix with the new grass and the dandelions. The abundance of this season is truly amazing. - Planting season
Time to get those gardens started, planting seeds or starts for large and small gardens everywhere. This ritual often starts as soon as the ground is workable, for some, and continues well past the official Memorial Day plant fest.
- Berry season
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and more, all grow and fruit, all too soon for us to pick. So we invite people from near and far to come help pick the berries! There are many pick-your-own farm stands in and around the area. The taste of really fresh berries has no comparison, their freshness only lasts a few hours so get here early. - Air Conditioning season – Summer
Spring passes far too quickly and during a few weeks in July and August, we drag out the fans from the basement, call the car dealers to ask how much air conditioning would cost to be installed and finally take the flannel sheets and down comforters off the bed. This time of year is also… - Swimming season
Ahhh, the wonder of a cold mountain stream (I wonder how long I can stand it. The abundance and variety of lovely swimming holes in Vermont is truly amazing, trouble is they don’t warm up till mid summer. But then when its really hot out we go swimming, usually in birthday suits :O
- Revenge of the Zucchini or Too Many Tomatoes, season
Our gardens are overflowing. Tomatoes line every windowsill and zucchini spread beyond the garden and hinder the lawn mowers. Being the thrifty Vermonters that we are, we seek out avenues of dispersal to avoid the waste of our months of hard work weeding, watering, and worrying. While at the general store, we place bags of zucchini in empty cars hoping the owners don’t notice an extra bag. In the middle of the night we drop off bags of vegetables on doorsteps at houses that don’t have gardens. We place boxes on street corners with a big FREE sign, hoping that out-of-towners will bring them home to CT and NY. We empty the library of cookbooks for salsa and Italian food, and we vow not to plant as many seeds next year. - Apple season aka Harvest Season
Honey Crisps, Red Delicious, Northern Spy, Macoun, Winesap and many other yummy varieties of apples grace the trees and our picnic baskets as we venture out into the fields and orchards. There are many local orchards growing really tasty varieties in Vermont. There are numerious harvest festivals here in Vermont, and some of them are lots of fun, if you can take the time off… - Fall – Leaf peeping season
Swarms of buses and cars on our tiny roads careening out of control seeking out the most vibrant foliage, the greatest deals in the factory outlets and the cutest crafts. This is truly a spectacular time of the year here, but don’t come up – there is no room left at the inns and it always rains. - Peak
The elusive Peak of Foliage season. The one-day when the reds are truest, the oranges are most vibrant, and the yellows the brightest. Really this only lasts a day or so, (yet it is different down the street) after that peak, leaves dive bomb the cats and swirl endlessly about. - Indian Summer
Usually arrives once we have gotten used to the cold and lasts just long enough to give us all colds from running around in tee shirts when its 40 degrees outside. - Taint
It ain’t snowing (yet) taint fall no more, taint doing much o nothing but getting colder and grayer. - Hunting Season
The tourists have departed, the hunters are roaming the hills, and its time to stack the wood piles near the house where its safe. I hear all the good deer hunting is in Connecticut. - Ski Season
After 36 hours of non-stop snow, we gleefully drag out the cross-country skis and ski into the woods. There are hundreds of trails in and around Southern Vermont. Most of the trails are free and not necessarily groomed. Sometimes we visit with our friends all snowbound at home or stop at the movie store to rent movies. Those of us with more time and money on our hands, head for the mountains with the gear on the car to abuse our bodies one more time before the lift lines close. - Holiday Season
Tis the season to be … Driving off to some relatives house somewhere not quite as nice as here. - Vacation Season
After the new year its time for the beach! Many people (flat landers especially) find it difficult to spend the entire winter in Vermont. A tropical vacation usually provides that welcome bit of relief from the wintry blues. - January Thaw
Don’t be fooled: this is not spring – just a brief reprise. It is amazing how regularly this happens. - Sugaring Season
Sap flows in the very early spring when the temperature climbs above freezing long enough to stimulate the trees and start a flow of maple sap. Sugar houses spout wisps of sweet steam from the windows and vents. Sugar on snow is a special treat for the kids. This not so exotic beverage can be found at local sugaring houses only at this time of year. - Mud Season
Four wheel drive only: mud, ruts, frozen and thawed roads that are just not passable, except for the Jeep, Land Rover and Subaru’s with 4WD. This is a challenging time of year, you can expect to loose a muffler on the back roads if your car is too low.
This list was compiled by Caledonia McNeil, Daniel Hoviss and edited by Annie Moos
Can you think of any more seasons?
Can you think of any more seasons?