350.org Bike Ride
350.org event
Button Up Weatherization Workshop
Free workshop and lecture – saving energy in your home.
Energy Quilt
Share your energy saving tips for display on our quilt
Energy Round-table Forum
Yes we can and yes we will…
Film and Lecture Series
PEC sponsors events at the Putney Library and Community Center
Green Affordable Housing
The following are solutions to rising energy costs that undermine affordable housing projects
Green Buildings and Solar Tour
A tour of Solar Electric / hotwater and other renewable energy technologies
Green Eco Park at Basketville village
Transition to a sustainable Village Center
LED Bulb Drive
SAVE MONEY NOW with rebates from Efficiency VT
Local Online Ride board
Creation and feasibility study of local online rideboard
Micro Hydro legislation and red tape reduction
Project to legalize micro hydro in Vermont
Micro Hydro on Sacketts Brook
Feasibility study and implementation of micro hydro on sacketts brook
No Idling Campaign
Stop excessive idling in Putney
PACE – Clean Energy NOW
Low intrest loans for clean energy
Putney Clean Energy Program
Information on the Putney ACE program
Solar and Green Home Tour II
May 17th and 18th from 10am – 4pm
Solar Hot Water Workshops
Learn how to design, install and maintain solar domestic hot water and solar space heating systems for Vermont’s climate!
Solarize Putney (AKA PACE 2.0)
Put Solar PV and Hot Water on 100 homes in Putney
Source to Sea Cleanup
Clean up all tributaries of the Connecticut River
Tour the Net Zero Putney School Field house
Before during and after pictures of the Putney School inovative net zero building
Welcome packet
Introduction for new residents and developers
Window Inserts you can make yourself
Wood framed vinyl glazed interior or exterior storm windows